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School Community Newsletter 28/04/23

Extra-curricular trips are an essential part of every young person’s education, providing unique and valuable experiences that help develop their social and cognitive skills and build their cultural capital. However, ensuring that experiences outside of school are accessible to all young people can be a challenge, despite their importance in supporting social mobility and providing equal access to new opportunities. Yes Futures understands the importance of school trips, and we are committed to providing young people with meaningful, enriching experiences that support their growth.

As our programmes encourage young people to think more about their futures, it's essential to expose them to thriving and innovative workplaces. We partner with businesses across the country to provide students with a unique opportunity to visit workplaces, network with professionals, and build their aspirations.

On our Into the Wild trips, young people develop essential skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Students learn to work together and support each other to achieve collective goals, which helps build their confidence and resilience.

This week we've pulled together some resources to help you think about the difference that your next trip or extra-curricular experience might have on your students.



School trips are impactful and formative experiences!

This is a great article on why school trips are incredibly beneficial to young people and how those benefits can make an impact on their lives.


Keeping students safe on school trips

Guidance from the Department of Education provides a useful resource for anyone who is planning a trip for the first time or perhaps needs a refresher on ensuring safety.



The high-impact that extra-curricular experiences have on young people

This a brilliant piece from Education Business that uses statistics to demonstrate the importance that taking young people out of the school gates can have.



School trips at risk?

The cost of living crisis means that schools are having to make cost-cutting decisions which can impact on the trip opportunities open to their students.



A five-part series on extra-curricular activities

SecEd has provided us with a brilliant five-part series all about extra-curricular activities. This part in particular delves into the staffing, scheduling and resources involved in planning a memorable school trip.

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