This November, 75 Finding Futures students from six of our partner schools came together for our Into the Wild weekend. Students braved the cold to enjoy a weekend filled with challenging activities, exciting opportunities and new friendships.
Despite some children feeling a bit nervous about meeting new people, they quickly settled into their groups, found their confidence and lots of friendships were quickly formed! There was just time for a few ice-breaker activities before the children got stuck straight in with the first activities of the weekend...
Throughout the weekend, our Finding Futures students continued to face their fears with lots of children showing impressive resilience and conquering their fear of heights on the Giant Swing and the Zip Wire!
It was wonderful to see the students' communication skills develop throughout the weekend. Lots of the children had set themselves the goal of 'speaking to someone new' or 'making a new friend' and felt proud of themselves as they achieved these goals!
Our Into the Wild weekends always culminate in a Showcase Ceremony where students perform in front of an audience, sharing their experiences of the weekend. We saw some very creative performances, including poems, drawings, some impressive acting and dancing!
Before saying goodbye to our Finding Futures cohort, we had a few special awards to give out to students who had made the most progress in our four Talents: confidence, resilience, communication and self-awareness...
A huge thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers who made the weekend such a success - we couldn't do it without you!

Well done to all of our Finding Futures students who achieved so much throughout the weekend!

To find out more about how your students could get involved with the Yes Futures Programmes, please contact Sophie, Impact Manager:, 07908 687779.