Miers Court had their World of Work day on Wednesday 9th January. We all met at Rainham station to get the high speed train to St Pancras, our destination HP near Moorgate in the City of London.

Caroline, our London based coach, met us as we disembarked our train and led the way via a short journey on the tube to the uber cool building where HP hosted a super day. We learned how the company was formed in a garage and has gone on to develop many cool products which were showcased during our visit.
We met the team from across the Sales and Marketing Division who shared their personal journey’s, about what they have achieved and how they came to do their current roles including what talents are important for our students as they prepare to move to secondary school and work beyond.

A key message for everyone was that working hard makes all the difference as this ensures we do things to the best of our ability and that it is okay to make mistakes as we don’t always get it right first time!
Following the talks from the HP team we had the opportunity to get up close and personal with the HP products which are housed in technical showroom. We saw the latest processors, the most up to date workstations and virtual reality kit. The most incredible and interesting by far were the 3D printers along with the cool examples of sets or teeth, skulls on display amongst other things which had been produced previously.

It was then time for lunch and we enjoyed sandwiches and fruit in the break out area.
Next, it was time to get to work and complete a challenge! We were split into 3 groups and each group was given a newly developed product which they had to sell by doing a short presentation; describing what it was they had, how it looks, and answering questions such as how does it feel? What can it do? What is different about it? The presentations showcased some the key talents the students have been developing since September as well as being imaginative and creative.
Team 1 gave an overview of the smallest printer most of us had ever seen, the ‘Sprocket,’ which they demonstrated by taking a picture of everyone and printing it out to show us. We heard all about its features and why we all want one. Team 2 had a laptop which they named the HP Player and they recorded a short advert which starred Miers Court HP Heros and was beamed up on the big screen in the technical centre.Team 3 provided an overview of a new generation laptop and compared its features to the older version and told everyone that the new privacy settings were a must have! Each was brilliant!
The HP team had a difficult job of picking a winning team but Team 2 named 222723 came up on top and received a small prize of chocolates and a certificate.

As a group all the student represented themselves and Miers Court well throughout the day. Travelling, listening, asking questions, taking part in the activity and demonstrating their talents meant the day went quickly and before we knew it the day was over and we had to head back to Kent. So with our HP Hero masks, Notebooks and Pens we packed up and made a dash to make our train by 2 mins and were whisked back to Rainham for the parent pick up at 4.15.
Thanks you to everyone at HP for making our WOW Wednesday possible, and a big cheer goes to Natalie, Jeramie, Tom, Dominique and Noah for their time and sharing their stories and more importantly for answering the questions on the spot.

Our World of Work days are an integral part of our Yes Futures programmes.
To find out more about the programmes and how we can support your students, please contact Sophie Bartlett: sophie@yesfutures.org
If you are a business that would like to hear more about how to get involved in our World of Work opportunities please contact info@yesfutures.org