"Hello! My name is Minahel and I was part of the Rising Futures group of students.
Before I came to this life-changing group, I was really shy. So shy that whenever somebody I don’t know wanted to talk to me, I ignored them and never talked to them.

But when one of my friends told me about Rising Futures, I automatically said ‘yes!’
When we had the first ever meeting of Rising Futures, I knew it was going to become a really great opportunity. The first few trips were very nice and I got to know a few of the students.
Thanks to Shirene and Carolin (my coaches) and more teachers, I’ve got a few more friends.
The residential trip helped me a lot as it helped me to face my fears of staying away from home and jumping into dirty water! Yay! At the end of the trip, they asked us on a scale of 1-10, how would I rate how confident I am. I said 7 when I was there, but I told them that as soon as I come back to school I would be a 1 or a 2.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t like that. I was more lively than I could imagine. So for that, I want to say a big thank you to Rising Futures.
Thank You!"
- Minahel, Year 8, Barnhill Community High School